I just returned home today from roughly 10 1/2 weeks (basically 11) working at Camp Greystone for the summer. It's hard for me to find words to describe it, or at least enough time or space. I learned so many things this summer that will stay with me throughout my life, I met incredible friends who made every moment so much fun, and I got to teach and watch over some absolutely precious girls who absolutely amazed me with some of the things they said. Not to mention playing with puppies EVERY DAY at dog camp. Best job ever? Pretty much.
The best thing I learned this summer is about living in the moment. The age that we live in right now is constantly pulling you in at least six directions thanks to all the technological distractions that are always vying for our attention. But this summer, I got to have conversations with people who weren't checking their texts mid-sentence. We got to know each other without perpetual interruptions from the outside. I had 11 weeks worth of moments to just experience what was right in front of me, whether I was paddle-boarding or canoeing on the lake, having a dance party while we swept the dining hall, or just laughing together. It was so glorious. Do I now feel a little out of touch since I'm back in the "real world"? Yes. But it's so worth it.
What I love about camp is that everyone is excited about everything. I will never forget singing Party in the USA and Firework on the 4th of July in the dining hall. Or the multiple dance parties in the rain. We just had fun, no matter what it was. We wrote silly songs in guitar class, we talked in funny accents, and we just laughed SO MUCH. I just loved every minute of it.
What a blessing to simplify things for a few weeks, and remember how good that can be. There are so many things we miss when we're focused on too many things. I just want to stay in this mindset where I have time to notice the little things. And I just never want to forget any moment of this summer. What a blessing to have found Greystone! God is so good, and this chapter was just incredible.