Sunday, January 24, 2010


Today my dad, who is an excellent preacher in case you were wondering, preached a wonderful sermon about the church. Not the church as a building, although he did talk about how many people think of it that way, as just the building where you meet. But he talked about how we as Christians make up the church ourselves. In the same way that God called us to gather together regularly, he also called us to scatter. In Acts 8, after Stephen was stoned to death, the people of the church in Jerusalem scattered. The Bible says that they preached Christ wherever they went. That's what we're called to do. We, as the church, are not limited to having church in a certain building. Church is the body of Christ, which we as Christians make up. Therefore we should minister to others & preach the Word of God WHEREVER we go. We can't depend on the preachers & evangelists to do all the work. So this week, embody the church. Preach Jesus wherever you go so that others may recieve the gift you have already. & don't just preach with words, but with your life. If you say that you're a Christian & aren't living it all the time, & I'm as guilty as the next one, you're not doing what you're called to do. Some people could be led astray if you're not striving to follow Christ in every aspect of your life, especially the parts that other people see, people that are searching. Live it out, protect your witness, & reach others for Christ. God's already given the warning that time is limited, we have to use what we've got.

Acts 8:
4Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. 5Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there. 6When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did, they all paid close attention to what he said. 7With shrieks, evil[n] spirits came out of many, and many paralytics and cripples were healed. 8So there was great joy in that city.

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