As of today, I've been here at NGU for a week. Which is ridiculous! The days have all run together, but I actually made it through the first week, which is quite an accomplishment. I am relieved beyond measure. But it REALLY has been a good week.
Thursday we left to drive up & we spent the night with my Aunt Jane & Uncle Dan about 45 minutes away from the school. My younger cousin Davin was also staying with them, & she was so cute. When we pulled up she was waiting outside for us, & for dinner she had made namecards for where we should sit. She's going into third grade this year & she's just super cute. Then we got up the next day & got all moved in & I got to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in ages (more on that later), & it was a ridiculously exhausting & HOT day, but went smoothly. And there's a picture of my dorm room on the first day down there for you to see! (it's changed since I've been here, but not much)
The next few days were filled with orientation activities. We had to go to tons of sessions about various things they wanted us to know about, & there was tons of walking & sweating & overall hotness (that's a trend, just heads up). And then on sunday we had church in the chapel, & started a crusade Sunday night with Dr. Frank Cox from Atlanta (represent!) & he preached for two nights & it was awesome. & then Wednesday, first day of classes aka chaos, Clayton King did the message both for chapel & for the crusade Wednesday night, & it was awesome. He did two totally wonderful messages & 50 people ended up getting saved on the very first day of classes. How amazing is that? Such a great start to the year. So that was really great.
Classes have been fine, we've just gone over each classes' syllabus, had to tell everyone where we live 34 times, & started a bit of work in each class. So that's all normal. Also yesterday I started working in the bookstore, which was totally crazy with everyone still buying & returning books but it was good too, I really enjoyed it & I'm super excited to be working in there.
Besides all that boring stuff, I LOVE being up here with all of my old friends! I get to see my best friend Emily almost every day which is so amazing. & there are so many other people I've either gotten to run into or gotten to begin reconnecting with too! So it's just awesome. The weather could improve, but the people I've gotten to either meet or start to reconnect with have all been awesome & I'm so excited to continue making new friends. I'm done with classes for today right now, & my roommate's gone home for the weekend so who knows what I'll do. But thankfully the tv works & I have internet hooked up so I should be able to both get things done & be totally lazy & get some rest. Can't WAIT to sleep in tomorrow, by the way! :)
Anyways, things are great, God is good & I love knowing that I'm right where He wants me to be. I truly believe that I am with all my heart. And I'm so excited about what He's already teaching me & what's He's still going to! I miss my dog Asher terribly as I knew I would, but besides that I'm doing alright so far with being homesick. :) Anyways, whoever you are, if anyone, reading this, keep me in your prayers & keep checking back to see what else is going on & what else God is teaching me!
Dorm room:

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