I haven't written anything on here since the end of last semester, and now I'm at the end of another one. It's amazing how different this semester was from last one, and how different I am from who I was then. It turns out that a whole lot can change in a matter of a few months.
This semester I have learned so much.
I have learned that it is much better to be happy and on your own than unhappy and not alone.
I have learned that the people you have been able to rely on all along are the people you should stick with.
I have learned that some people come into your life for a season, and not to stay. But that that's alright, and everything has a purpose.
I have learned that I am more independent than I realized...or maybe I just grew into it. Either way, I'm confident that I can be on my own and be happy with it.
I have learned that I have a long way to go in learning how to love others. I'm not always the friend that I want to be, but I'm learning. I have also learned not to measure myself against others as far as friendship; just because someone else isn't being a good friend doesn't give me a free pass to not try. We should only measure ourselves against Jesus, and He doesn't give up on people. I don't want to either. At the same time, sometimes you have to realize that it's time to move on if someone isn't willing to try. Forgive them, and pray for them, but move on.
We can learn a great deal from our challenges, and we need to. Nothing is handed to us without a purpose. Challenges also have a way of making us appreciate things that we take for granted when things are good. We can get so easily distracted with newness that we forget what we already have. But I've been reminded this semester that I already have so much, and now I have even more because I've grown myself.
In a few short days I'll be done with exams and officially a senior. In college. Pretty sure that makes me old. It's the beginning of the end. The sentimentalness is already on high from me, a whole year early. But after all of this is over, I'm so ready for whatever is coming. This summer is going to be incredible, and I can't wait to meet new friends and see what else God is going to teach me.
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