Sunday, February 7, 2010

Let the countdown begin.

It's been a while since I've had time to write in this thing. I haven't really wanted to though, because every time I do I feel like all I talk about is school, which isn't interesting to read about for others, & I'm tired of thinking about it, since that's pretty much all my life is right now. So here's to talking about things besides school.

I've been reading a ton lately, it's the only way I can turn off thinking about school & the future & all the other things I constantly think about. & my lovely friend Emily lent me Redeeming Love, which was amazing. READ IT. It painted such a beautiful picture of who God is & how no matter what we do, no matter what we've done, He's always waiting to take us back, & loving us just as much as He ever has, & ever will. It was such a great story. Definitely in my top 5 favorites ever. Now it's on to the next book. I've got quite a few I'm behind on reading, I buy them faster than I can read them. But that was definitely a good book to read.

Being that this is Sunday, I'm about to start another week of school. Gross. But the good thing is, 2 days ago meant that another week was done! We only have 12 weeks until exams start, which is exciting. 12 weeks & counting, & 2 of those are Spring break & Spring intersession which are full weeks off. Can't. Wait. I've started looking online for things for my dorm room too, which is exciting. I would say I can't believe it's almost here, but I can. I've watched week after week pass by sometimes painfully slow, & even though as senior year approached I wished it would slow down, since the day it started I've been counting down for it to be over. I can't wait to begin this new chapter of my life & see what God has planned. I've been reminded of how infinitely better His plans are lately than ours. He works things out in His timing, & if we're patient we get things we never could have orchestrated or sometimes even dreamed up on our own. It's amazing. I'm just so glad to get to live it & experience His blessings.

Well, homework calls, as always. Love love love.

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