Thursday, February 25, 2010


As I approach the end of yet another week, I realize that things have been moving so fast lately I've hardly had time to stop & review all the amazing things that are going on. So, here's an update.

I've decided where I'm going to college, which is a blessing all in itself. I've picked North Greenville University, right back to my hometown, which I am excited about for so many reasons. So now rather than dreading everything because I had no idea where everything was going to lead, I'm now super excited & can't wait to be back in Greenville, back with so many old friends, & in NGU in general. Can't wait. And I've also recieved a 12k scholarship which is such a blessing & I just have about 8k more to get from more scholarships hopefully. But things are good, & God has provided for me this far, & He'll definitely continue to do so.

We are almost done with IA's at school which are horrible IB projects/papers/experiments/presentations, depending on the class. SO ready for these to be over. We only have probably 2 more to finish right now, which is glorious. That'll be another thing I'll be so happy to move on from. Those are two of the big milestones. Other than that, it's life as usual these days. Just getting through school to move on to the next part. Week after next we have a week off which will be glorious. I can't wait for some time to just think about things other than school. Right now that's where my mind stays. After this one more week though, we only have 9 more weeks in school. Totally incredible.

After going & visiting NGU & doing a tour & everything, I can't wait to live there. I think about it 24/7 now. The Spirit of God is so evidently such a huge part of that campus & everyone you talk to basically. It's so awesome. I can't wait to see what God will do in my time there & how He'll prepare me there for all the time that will come after.

In His grasp,

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