Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer so far.

I haven't written a blog in over 2 months. This is a crazy lapse of time for me since I used to update...well, a lot more than that. On some levels I've been really busy. On some levels I haven't been that busy at all, really. But regardless, I haven't been writing - not in here at least.

I am over halfway through summer, and what a lovely summer it has been. I got my first car at the beginning of May, and my family went on a wonderful vacation to Florida in May also. I also have my first summer job this year as a nanny, which I'm really enjoying. I keep a charming and hilarious little girl named Abby who is one of the most delightful six year olds I've encountered. We have lots of fun and read books I haven't read in ages and watch shows I haven't watched in years. We jump on the trampoline and "swim" through the yard back to the house. We color in coloring books and play Candy Land. It's a pretty awesome job.

I went to a concert at the beginning of the summer with my friend Brittany and we saw Matt Wertz and Ben Rector. It was awesome. And in a few weeks we're going to see Taylor Swift. Super excited about that. I also have a few more concerts in the works but I'll talk about them when they're closer. :)

We had VBS at church week before last and 10 kids got saved which was awesome. Especially since our church isn't big. Speaking of church I am missing my church in Greenville! I am super ready to get back to Greenville at the end of the summer and be back with my friends and get back to the new "normal". I am looking forward to meeting my new roommate for this year too!

I've been painting a lot recently - I did three this week! Mostly they're just quotes or bible verses with some sort of picture to go along with it but I am having so much fun with that. I know I will never be a professional artist or anything but it is so much fun to paint just for fun. My dorm room will be nice and colorful like I like it!

I'm going up to Greenville this weekend to see my wonderful best friends and I am so excited about that. It has been far too long! Besides that I'll just be working and trying to keep up with Abby this week!

July will be here soon and I can't wait to see what else the Lord brings my way in my time remaining at home! God is faithful and is blessing me in so many ways lately. I'll write soon to talk about that more.

Hope you're enjoying your summer too, friend! Don't forget to deliberately notice all the blessings God has given us in this beautiful season! He is good, indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've had a wonderful summer break so far! I can't wait for my church's VBS. Always the highlight of my summers.
