Monday, September 12, 2011
Ramen noodles.
With a tiny budget, sometimes ramen noodles and pb&j sound great to eat (sometimes more than one night of the week). You find yourself more easily satisfied with food of lesser quality when better food is a little harder to get.
Earlier tonight as I had dinner with a wonderful friend of mine, she made the comment that it's amazing how the most incredible relationship we have available to us, the one with the most unconditional love and grace and mercy for our wrongdoings, our relationship with Christ, is the one that so many times gets pushed back behind other things. It becomes less of a priority, when all reason would point to it being the very first priority. I mean, just look at the nature of that relationship, compared to others! God is trustworthy always, always looking out for your best interest, always loving you, always waiting to lead you in the right direction. He is the very best relationship we can have, and the very best friend to count on and understand us. And yet, we settle for ramen noodles. We let activities, romantic relationships, family drama, friend drama, and simply life get in the way of investing in the relationship from which all other relationships are tied to. Isn't that, as my friend said, baffling??
The truth of it is, the beauty of the nature of our relationship with God is that it's a choice. It's a choice that we are free to make. He is always waiting for us with mercy and love, but we have to make the step towards Him, and let Him take over. We have to make the choice to hand over control. We have to give up the ramen noodles in our hands and trade it for what that He has for us (which in my mind, would be some sort of glorious pasta with shrimp and other heavenly things :) ). His way is better. His thoughts are higher. If only we knew what we are causing ourselves to miss out on by clinging to what we know rather than trusting Him to give us life more abundant.
I am so guilty of all of this. This is why I know about it. It is a struggle, incredibly, to make God our priority. We want to depend on ourselves, and what we think is best, rather than trust Him. But, when we do trust Him, and we do allow ourselves to fall in love with the One who already loves us so much, we just can't imagine the possibilities of what He can do with our lives when we hand over the pen and let Him write it instead.
There is a quote that says "We will make time for the things that are important to us." Keep track of your time this week. What relationships/activities/other things are you putting your time and energy into? Are those things leading you closer or further away from God? Are they causing you to hold onto control, or to surrender it each day to Him? The way that you're spending your time shows what things are truly important to you. Only you know the true answer to this question, and if there's something that needs to change, don't waste another day doing it your way. We must be so careful, friends. Because I don't know about you, but when I cling to my little feeling of control, I always mess it up. When are we going to learn? When are we going to surrender? It's time to stop being satisfied with far less than we have in our reach, if we let Him be the one leading the way. Put down the ramen noodles. He has far better things in store.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Lessons from childhood.
As sacred as innocence is, I wish there were some things that we didn't have to wait until we're older to realize.
1. The value of childhood.
If I got paid every time I heard someone say in high school or college that they wish they had nap time built into the schedule again, I would never have to work a day in my life. When you're a kid though, you're more worried about playing with whatever toys are in the room that you're being required to sleep in than actually getting any sleep. You don't realize how quickly your childhood is passing, and you have no idea how much you will want to get pieces of it back when you're older.
2. The importance of family.
I have been on this earth for almost 20 years now, and for several of those in the in between years, I didn't realize how important my family was. I have always loved my family deeply, but I can remember many days that were wasted by fighting with my brothers and being upset that something didn't go the way I wanted it to. I remember family trips where we were all furious in the backseats. And now that I live apart from my brothers, I wish more than anything that those times had been different. I wish we could have appreciated those times that we were all together with no state lines in between us. Not a day goes by that I am apart from my brothers that I don't miss them completely, and that I wish I had known during those years how special they were.
The same goes with my grandparents. With my dad's mom especially, she died when I was only twelve. At twelve years old, I hadn't ever considered that my grandparents would be going anywhere any time soon. And because of that, there are so many things I wish I could have asked her, things I wish I had known about her, experiences I wish we could have shared. But I was only a kid, and I didn't know that those opportunities wouldn't come. Losing all three of my grandparents now, and living without any for almost 2 years now has helped to teach me the frailty of human life, and not to take time for granted with those that we love. If only I had known then.
3. Save, don't spend.
One thing that I wish I had learned before now is to save my money! In our family that was encouraged, but it was never mandatory. As long as I've tithed money that I get, I usually didn't worry about any of the rest of it. And thankfully, it hasn't hurt me that badly, since college has been covered by scholarships and my parents have graciously bought things for me, like my car, that I would never have been able to afford on my own. But now as I am starting to save money for the future, I wish I hadn't thrown away so much money over the years on silly impulsive purchases. This is something I will try my hardest to teach my kids when I have them.
4. Count your blessings.
There's that song, "Count your blessings name them one by one, count your blessings, see what God has done..." I know that it's hard to realize just how much you have when your entire world is built around your family and school life, but I think that many things go unappreciated as children. First of all, there are so many kids walking around in brand names that even I can't afford. I mean, really? Honestly guys, I love kids but they are messy and pretty gross at times. And unless you never allow your child to do anything active or creative, those clothes are going to get ruined. Seriously, why would you spend that much on a child's clothes?! It might make you feel better for them to look nice (for an hour or two before they ruin it), but they definitely don't care that they are wearing Ralph Lauren right now. But, I digress. The point here is, it is easy to overlook how blessed we are. When I was younger, I didn't realize that not everyone had parents that loved me as much as mine did. I didn't know that there were other kids who lived in less than suitable living conditions. I didn't understand that I was richly blessed, just by having my basic needs met both emotionally and physically. This isn't a point that I wish we only realized in childhood, but something that we constantly work to realize.
5. Hard work is hard, but so worth it.
When I was a kid, I was kind of a quitter.
Some examples:
I played piano for two years (quit to play flute in the band),
flute for one year (quit because I moved),
I played baseball for a year, (Joined because both my brothers played, and I wanted to be like them...and have the cool outfit. Then, quit because I wasn't very good, to be honest. I was in 1st grade...)
I cheerleaded for a year. (Quit because I didn't like practicing so much. Honestly, people, that was my excuse! Oh, younger me.)
I played basketball for four years (getting better...).
Obviously, I didn't stick to many things that I started. And these are just major examples. While I appreciate that my parents let us do things we were interested in and didn't force us to do things we didn't want to, I now realize that a little force might have been good for me. I wish now that I had stuck to some of these things, mainly the piano and some sports activity, and put in the time to get good at them. The things that are harder to do are always more rewarding because of the time you put into them. The greatest accomplishments come from the greatest challenges. And I realize now that I probably missed out on some things back then because of it.
Childhood is a time when we learn about the world around us, and as I've gotten older, I really wish I had been able to know how important these things would be down the road. But, life is a journey and if we knew everything at the beginning, I guess we wouldn't be able to learn as much as we go, right?
These are just a few of the things I wish I had known about then that have impacted how my life is now. What would you add to this list? What are things that you wish you had known/realized when you were a kid? I'd love to hear from you.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The potential of a year.
Right now in my story, I am entering my second year of college, and even as I type that I can't believe it. But I moved in yesterday and classes start tomorrow, and I just love that feeling of newness. I love not knowing who all I'm going to meet this year, and not knowing how my classes are going to be yet, and just not knowing what all God is going to do. It's all very exciting. I have a brand new roommate (who I love so far), and same room (some things should just be the same for comfort's sake ;) ) so this year feels like it's gonna be a great one!
As promising and as full of potential this year feels, I don't want to get caught up in little things day to day and miss out on making it a year that really stands out and counts for something. I don't want to get so focused on school and things that I miss opportunities to get involved with those around me and build relationships, because to me, that is the absolute priority in my life. After our relationship with Jesus, relationships with those around us are so important and special, and I feel like this year brings new chances to build strong ones and experience people in new ways.
It'll be interesting to look back at the end of this school year in May and see what all God has done. But for now, I can only look forward to starting classes tomorrow and getting started down whatever roads God is going to lead me down in the next few months!
To God be the glory.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
We do not walk alone.
At the beginning of the movie Up, it traces the story of a little boy as he meets the girl who will become his wife and it follows them through their life together, in a series of memories. There is something just so absolutely sweet about that to me. Relationships are formed over time, and the little things that happen every day make up the story of a life over the years. And it is amazing to find people to share that with you. I have been personally blessed with the ones the Lord has allowed in my life this far, and I am expectantly awaiting others who will come along and join the story.
As much as I can't wait to have someone of my own to share the story with, my spirit reminds me that I already have someone very special. Someone who has been there with me since the very beginning of my existence, and Someone who has not left, and will never leave me. He has been there for every step, every fall, every accomplishment, every heartache, and every song He has brought to my heart. And even if I never find someone who is physically there with me every day, I will not have lost out on sharing my life with someone. Because He has been there not only beside me, but many times, carrying me through to the next day. And that is so special.
I know that at times I tend to lean towards loneliness, especially when I'm away from home and my family. I know that many do. But it is a wonderful thing to have the blessed assurance that Jesus is mine. He will never leave me, and He will continue to walk with me for all of my days. I am so blessed to have Him in my life, and to experience these adventures with Him as they come. And I hope for you as well that if you don't already have Him leading the way, that you would allow Him in to share your life with you. Because only He can make it all that it is meant to be. It is a special thing to have people to be there for you, but it is a miraculous thing to walk with Jesus and see what He can do through you, and in you.
We do not walk alone, my friends.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Overcoming independence.
Ready or not, it's time to do it on your own. That's the way it goes. And most of us rise to meet it and do just fine.
Even though I'm a person who has never really liked to be on their own for too long, I've adjusted quite well to life on my own. But in some areas of my life, I've become a little too independent.
So many times, I'm in this mindset of getting things done on my own. And sometimes, asking God for help becomes a thought in the back of my mind rather than my main concern.
But the truth of it is, I can't do anything on my own. I wouldn't even be able to take my next breath if He didn't allow it. So what makes me think I can handle things that come up in my life all on my own? I mean it's not like I never ask for help. I do. But many times I'm so busy checking things off on my "things to deal with" list that I don't realize how silly I'm being by trying to deal with it on my own.
Instead of letting Him lead the way, I try and take the lead and make my plans and hope that He can work through them in the way He wants. But I shouldn't expect Him to have to work from my blueprints and get the same result that He's after. If someone were to have a plan for a house and wanted it to turn out a certain way, you couldn't take them your blueprint and expect them to put work into that and still come out with what they were originally trying to accomplish. And the truth of it is, it's not about what I'm after anyways. Because as many times as I fail to remember it, my life is not about me, but rather it is about bringing glory to the one who gave it to me in every way possible.
So now comes the hard part. Stepping back and releasing my control. Letting Him take the lead, and submitting my will for His. Only by doing that can I experience the fullness of things to come through surrendering my world to His control.
I have always been a planner. I am a list maker, and I am easily focused on things that need to be accomplished. But rather than plan out all the details in a way that makes sense to me, I have to start letting Him make the plans, and then jump in to get involved in whatever ways He allows me to.
I read in a blog a few weeks ago that "We lose so much of life's adventure in the planning." And for this spirit that's been feeling more than a little restless these days, some adventure sounds great. Especially by a God who can create a life for me that is infinitely better than one I could ever imagine.
Even as I focus on relenting my stronghold on control tonight, I know that this is not the only time I will have to do so. As humans we love to control things around us, and I am sure that at some points, I will try and regain control when I don't understand the way things are going. But I know that God will lead me in the way that He wants me to go, and my main thing to focus on, rather than writing the plans, is following the plans of the Writer, Redeemer, and Savior of my soul.
Keep my heart open as You lead me, Lord.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Thoughts on being alive.
Help me to always notice the beauty of the world around me because there are those who can't see it.
Help me to appreciate the sounds of birds flapping their wings to take flight, the laughter of other people, and other beautiful sounds because there are those who can't hear them.
Help me to deeply feel the love of those who offer it to me because there are those who wait for it and may never find it.
Help me to never take my life as a whole for granted. Help me to feel every moment, to live every second to its fullest potential, and to not hold back from feeling things to the fullest extent.
Help me to always realize the simple value of things I encounter daily, and usually use or view without second thought.
Help me to never take my parents or brothers for granted because there are those who have lost theirs and would give anything to have what I have.
Help me to love and appreciate my friends and enjoy every second I get to spend with them.
Help me to dream as big as I possibly can dream, and to run after them with faith that You will bring to life all that matches up with Your purposes for me.
Help me to not glide through moments, but instead to live a life of being aware of how very blessed I am.
Help me to live with a passion and neverending will to thrive, and help me to never lose a passion and hunger to see others come to know You, and find a deeper meaning in all of these details of life.
Help me to truly live, and to do this in a way that honors and glorifies You. Allow me to see Your hand and Your heart in these seemingly simply circumstances and events, and to praise You for every bit of it.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Summer so far.
I am over halfway through summer, and what a lovely summer it has been. I got my first car at the beginning of May, and my family went on a wonderful vacation to Florida in May also. I also have my first summer job this year as a nanny, which I'm really enjoying. I keep a charming and hilarious little girl named Abby who is one of the most delightful six year olds I've encountered. We have lots of fun and read books I haven't read in ages and watch shows I haven't watched in years. We jump on the trampoline and "swim" through the yard back to the house. We color in coloring books and play Candy Land. It's a pretty awesome job.
I went to a concert at the beginning of the summer with my friend Brittany and we saw Matt Wertz and Ben Rector. It was awesome. And in a few weeks we're going to see Taylor Swift. Super excited about that. I also have a few more concerts in the works but I'll talk about them when they're closer. :)
We had VBS at church week before last and 10 kids got saved which was awesome. Especially since our church isn't big. Speaking of church I am missing my church in Greenville! I am super ready to get back to Greenville at the end of the summer and be back with my friends and get back to the new "normal". I am looking forward to meeting my new roommate for this year too!
I've been painting a lot recently - I did three this week! Mostly they're just quotes or bible verses with some sort of picture to go along with it but I am having so much fun with that. I know I will never be a professional artist or anything but it is so much fun to paint just for fun. My dorm room will be nice and colorful like I like it!
I'm going up to Greenville this weekend to see my wonderful best friends and I am so excited about that. It has been far too long! Besides that I'll just be working and trying to keep up with Abby this week!
July will be here soon and I can't wait to see what else the Lord brings my way in my time remaining at home! God is faithful and is blessing me in so many ways lately. I'll write soon to talk about that more.
Hope you're enjoying your summer too, friend! Don't forget to deliberately notice all the blessings God has given us in this beautiful season! He is good, indeed!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Drawing closer.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
A generation waiting for Prince Charming.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Always Love.
We hear it so often that I think we're in a way desensitized to its meaning. We love our families, & our friends, & those that we're closest to. But these types of love are easy.
What does it really mean in our lives to truly love those around us, our "neighbors"? What does it look like to love those who won't or can't love us back?
When we allow the Lord to open our eyes to the "least of these", we will find opportunities to share His love in many ways. Whether simply through relationships, or through providing earthly needs, we can show His love to others in hopes of leading them to their own relationship with the One who can help them more than we could ever dream.
In our American culture, we are so self focused. I am constantly fighting my own material desires that I always need more stuff. We can become so focused on what we want that we fail to realize how much we already have. And I have been so blessed. Rather than getting more things for myself that will never fill my heart, I want to make it my aim to simply focus on investing in 2 things: my relationship with God, & my relationships with other people. God wants us to love Him with all that we have & give Him the glory for all that we have, & when we focus on doing that, & realize all that we have by His grace, it is only natural to want to share that with others in hopes that they might discover the same.
I've been reading Radical in one of my classes, & if you haven't read it, I urge you to get your hands on a copy. From a girl who has read many, many Christian books, this is one of the best I have ever read. This week for my class we read a chapter on wealth & poverty. I was so thankful for that because I keep finding myself trapped in this insatiable desire to get more for myself. But if I am thinking as God wants me to, I will instead focus on being thankful for having my needs provided for, & looking to use extra money etc. to help meet needs for others when given opportunities to do so.
In a society where materialism is the norm, & we expect to have huge houses, luxury vehicles, & 100K a year salaries, I want to figure out now, early on in my life when I have very little money, to learn how to manage what I do have & to learn how to freely give to others out of the extra that God blesses me with. There was a particular quote in the chapter in Radical where a man talking to David Platt said that "I realize there is never going to come a day when I stand before God and he looks at me and says, 'I wish you would have kept more for yourself.'" This was such a powerful statement to me.
I want to live a life that is going to center on giving back to the One who gave it all for my sake. I want to give all I have to offer, in every part of my life. That includes my life as a whole, as well as my time, and most certainly my finances and possessions. I am confident that God will take care of me, because He always has. He always provides what we truly need. And another thing I've discovered is that it truly brings you closer to God in times of need. You have to fully depend on Him for everything you need in those times, & it is always so amazing how He provides for us. I am so grateful for a God who has so richly blessed my life, & my prayer is that I can use whatever He gives me to bless those around me, whether it's a great deal or just enough. Either way, He is going to take care of me & I am leaning on that promise!
All of this is to say, when we love those around us as the Lord wants us to, we can't ignore their spiritual or physical needs. If we sit in spiritual and physical affluence with a comfortable relationship with God & a rich lifestyle, we will not only fail to help those who need it, but we will miss out on seeing the hand of God work through our lives to bless the lives of others.
What are we willing to give away to share the love we have? It's time to care. It's time to get involved & help those around us in spiritual & financial poverty.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wasted words.
I don't know about you, but sometimes I forget to think before I start talking. Women have been said to say 20,000 to 30,000 words a DAY. This isn't hard for me to believe, being as if no one's there to talk to, I talk to myself, let's just be honest here. And don't judge me because chances are, you do it too. Or your mother does. And are you going to judge your mother for it? No. So we're all in this together.
The thing is, I really like to talk. I'm a relationship person - not in the man-woman sense, (as in, that isn't my main focus as a self-proclaimed relationship person - have to make that clear) but I like to build strong relationships with other people. And in doing that, lots of talking is typically done. I like to talk a lot to my best friends, and that helps us to get to know each other better. I like to be understood. And when I don't have anyone to talk to, I come here & write. And sometimes I write a whole lot (like on Thursday's entry). And I got to thinking about why I do that. And it's because I want to be understood. I hate trying to tell someone about something, whether a story or whatever, and only being able to get halfway into it, with no resolution for why I felt a certain way or why I thought something. I like to be able to explain myself, and for those around me to understand me. So in my case, I tend to talk a lot to try and get it all out there. That really isn't all bad, I don't think, because we need to understand each other, and take the time to do that. But when so many words are being said, we need to be careful of what they are.
College is very interesting in many various ways, and one of those is in how different people communicate with one another. It's fascinating to sit in the caf & just watch people talk to each other. There are so many motivations for speaking. Some have motivations of impressing a guy or girl. They say things just to get that person's attention. I can remember when I was younger being at church and just talking to a friend about absolutely nothing when a boy I liked was nearby, just so he would notice me. We do crazy things in situations like that. But those words aren't accomplishing anything.
Other people talk a lot to show how smart they are. If I know a lot about a subject, I'll tend to talk more when that subject comes up in conversation.
There are many motivations such as these that drive people to get their thoughts out, but something that runs common is that these motivations are all about us. They are to get people to notice us, to think we're smart, whatever. And the point of life is not for others to admire us and think we know what we're talking about. It's to glorify God, and spread His story & what HE had to say to others. So how should that impact us daily?
Don't waste your words. In your daily interactions, think about the other person. Rather than wasting words talking about temporary things like sports or television programs, try and talk about what God is doing in their lives. And if they don't already have that relationship, tell them what God is doing in your life. One of the best ways to witness to people is through personal testimony; they can't dispute what God has personally done in your life, whether they believe it or not. Use that, share with them.
Encourage others. One of my favorite things about my day is when someone comes into the bookstore, and takes time to ask me how my day is going. Take notice of those around you, and use a few of the thousands of words you'll speak for that day to try and let them know that they're important too.
Take time to listen too. Rather than just trying to get what you have to say across the sound waves, take the time to ask how people are doing, and really listen rather than thinking about what you're going to say next. Listen, offer encouragement, and just make yourself available to be there for others. A lot of people really need that.
Realize that sometimes you don't need to say anything at all. Something that God has been showing me lately is that I don't always have to have something to say. There are situations where my self percieved wisdom is not needed, and there is no way I can fix it. But I can be there to listen, and simply walk alongside the person that needs it. We need to be able to recognize when words aren't needed, and when to simply keep our mouths closed and let our presence and support be enough - God can say just as much through us simply through those actions as He can when we have a lot to say on a matter.
We have so many opportunities to share the love of Christ that are wasted because we simply aren't paying attention, or we just want to talk about frivolous, uneternal things. Let's change that today. Take time to focus on those around you, and the smallest difference you can make by making yourself available and showing them that you care today.
Don't waste your words, and miss out on conversations that could change another's day, or even life.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Breaking free from fear.
So many of us are so afraid to step out because we don't know what's on the other side. So many times I've gotten comfortable in a certain place or routine that even if I'm not happy, I won't change anything because that's what I know. We try to hard to protect ourself from what we can't see coming that we might instead be preventing ourselves from incredible happiness that we can find in taking risks and chances in our lives.
There is certainly a lot of pain in losing things. We lose friends sometimes to moving or arguments, we lose family members and friends to death, we lose comfort when changing definitely bears a lot of loss. But the whole thing is, we have to recognize what we have.
In my life, I have no guaranteed constants. I could go to sleep tonight and not wake up in the morning. I could leave this campus this weekend and not make it back. I could see my family one day and not have them at all the next. We don't know what each day holds. The only certain thing about life and what we know about it, is that nothing is certain. We don't hold the future. We can't live our lives being afraid though, and holding back to avoid those types of things though, because then we miss out on the whole point.
Even though I have no certainty about events to come, and even though I personally can't control any of the events around me, I do know the One who is in control. From the very first moment of my life, He knew every detail about single moment that would follow. And when I trusted Him with my life, I trusted Him to control those details.
I have freedom from fear of death - I know where I'm going. I have freedom from fear of losing loved ones - I know I'll see them again, if they're saved (and if they're not then I know what I need to do). I have freedom from fear of the unknown, since I have a relationship with the One who knows everything.
Even with trusting in God, I definitely identify with people who struggle with these fears, because at times I do too. Sometimes I get worried about situations that I don't know how they'll work out in the end. For a long time, I've had a fear of spending all this time waiting to find someone to spend my life with, and possibly losing them. Things happen. Death happens. But if I let that control me and hold me back, I could miss out on so much trying to save myself from experiencing that loss - I would also potentially miss out on a lot of love. This is true in a lot of situations.
God has purposes in everything He does. He orchestrates the events of our world for one reason: to spread His glory and fame. His name is greater than any other, and the purpose of our lives is to share His glory with others in the world, that they might come to praise Him too. Rather than focusing on our fear of how circumstances could effect us personally, we need to purposefully set our eyes on the ultimate point of our lives: to share His name, His love, and the freedom that comes in knowing Him.
I've had many people come into my life that haven't been able to stick around. I'm 19 years old and I've lost my three grandparents (my mom's dad died before my parents were married so I never knew him). I've lost friends in different situations of sickness or simply from moving away. But, for me to wish I hadn't known them simply because I had to lose them wouldn't make sense. Without knowing them, I would have missed out on the blessings that came from knowing them. I would have lost out on memories. I would have lost out on the things that God taught me through all of those different situations.
The thing we have to focus on is that God doesn't let us go through challenges because He wants us to hurt. The question of why bad things happen is one that will be forever asked as long as this earth is spinning. The answer though is simple: God wants us, all of us, to worship Him alone. And the difficult times in our lives, more than any other, can draw us to Him, since He's the one in control. He doesn't CAUSE bad things to happen, but He ALLOWS them to happen if they will fit His ultimate purpose, which is to draw glory to Himself. However, this can be hard to accept for us in our human state. At times the pain we experience doesn't seem worth it.
But my sweet friends, it IS worth it. He IS worth it. The pain we face now is nothing compared to the joy that comes from knowing Him, trusting in Him to carry us through the hard times, and growing closer to Him. Even though it's scary to lose things and people we love, by trusting Him to be our Healer, we get to experience some of the best aspects of who He is. Because He is always there to pick us up, and help us go on.
What we have to do is focus on Him. If we allow ourselves to focus on the fear of loss and change, we will miss out on the growth that comes when we get through it. We will miss out on the things He wants to teach us, and aspects of Himself that He can show us through those times. He can use ALL things in our lives, good and bad, to help us get to discover more of His heart.
I know that the loss I've faced in the past, and surely the trials that will come later on in my life is difficult to bear. But I also know that the pain that I feel shows how blessed I am for this simple reason: I have something to miss. I miss my grandparents and friends that have passed on because of the relationship I had with them. I miss my brothers who live far away from me because I love them and the things that God shows me through our relationships. I miss things about the past because they were good. This can help us see how great our blessings are, which all come from the God who loved us first, and even through this loss, we have more reasons to praise Him! Isn't it amazing how that works??
Some people are afraid to give their lives to Christ, because they won't be the ones running the show anymore. They don't want to risk trusting Him and giving control over. But I know from personal experience that when I trust Him with my circumstances, good and bad, He always comes through and helps put things together - whether putting things together for the first time or putting pieces back together - better than I could have ever done. Letting Him have control is worth it because when we don't know what is coming, or how to shoulder our challenges, He can handle it. If you haven't yet today, trust Him. Trust Him with your fears and your heart and your life, and see where He takes you, because I promise you it will be farther than you ever dreamed if you make Him the focus of your life. He conquered the grave...what is it that we think He can't handle?!
I don't deserve Jesus but I have Him. I don't deserve this life that I get to live but, for now at least, I get to live it. I get to enjoy my family, my incredible friends, and His creation every day. But even if I had none of those things or people, He would still be enough, because He is the epitome of blessings. Getting to know His heart and be a part of His plan is all by itself, worth living for. No matter what happens in my life, God will still be good. He is neverchanging, He is constant, and because of this His goodness does not end, even when my circumstances aren't good.
So today if you're struggling, allow Him to pick you up. Allow Him to lead you through it. If you're not down right now, go ahead and draw close to God so that when you fall, because you will, He will be right there to hold you up through it all. And most of all, in all circumstances, give thanks for the blessings; for the time that we do have together as friends, for the love we get from family, for the joy in fleeting moments, because we don't know when it might be gone...but I do know Who has been and will be in control forever, and today, I'm trusting Him with whatever else comes my way.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My best friend.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
What sorts of things are covered up by the noise of the world in my life? Besides a little music or noise from a fan covering up the little sounds we might like to hear, too much distraction can also cover up the little whisperings. The Lord speaks in a still small voice. Are we making ourselves available to listen to it? Are we taking the time to really sit & focus on what it is He's trying to say to us? Because the noise around us is loud. In this age, we have every distraction imaginable. Even when we get "away", we're still surrounded by ways to stay just a little bit plugged in. But at what cost?
The Lord has amazing things planned for us if we'll attune ourselves to the desires of His heart, & His plan. So we need to make as much time as possible to listen & learn what that is.
When I'm spending time with someone, if they're distracted by other things around us, they can miss what I'm saying. & more than that, they can miss a relationship just by not focusing.
I don't want to miss the relationship. I don't want to miss knowing His heart & seeing the miracles He can do in the world by using me in my complete insignificance. I don't want to be so distracted that I stop noticing the beauty He has put into the world to draw me to Himself. I don't want to get to the end & realize that I couldn't hear His voice not only over the constant noise around me, but over my own voice; I don't want to realize that I held on to my desires & wishes as being more important.
If you had a friend or relative who you knew would bless you & make your life better if you made it a priority to build that relationship, you would certainly work on that, wouldn't you? Well, God controls everything. And He wants to bless us because of His great love. What if we miss out on knowing Him, & knowing all that He wants to give us & do through us, because of simple distractions & noise that we let drown out His voice? What a tragedy that would be.
Let's turn it all off. Let's just spend some time in His presence. Soak it all in. There is such peace in knowing Him, & there is such joy in doing His will. Not only because of what we get out of it, but that we get to play a part in making His name famous, which is what our existence is all about, after all.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
There's just something about that name...
Any student here at North Greenville could tell you that we're here to live for God & share Him with other people. And we know that that's what God wants, we know that on a surface point. But, the roots are much, much deeper than those simple words.
From the beginning of time, it's been about Him. He created us so that we could have the chance to experience Him, & know Him. When we sinned in the very beginning, (& I say we because even though Adam & Eve were the only ones there physically, we've all done it a million times in our own ways) we broke our chance for fellowship with Him, since He can't look upon sin. He made Adam & Eve leave the Garden of Eden so they wouldn't eat from the Tree of Life & be forever left in their fallen state; even THAT, He did for us! Then, He began setting things in motion to bring His son to earth to be the sacrifice for our sins. That we could again have fellowship with Him, know Him, experience Him, & praise Him. Everything in the Old Testament, from his covenants to circumstances that He allowed to happen, were in accordance with His plan. His plan to restore us to Himself. Then, when Jesus came, He took all of our sin upon Himself.
I have to let that sink in for a second. I can hardly bear the guilt and pain from my own personal sin. Can you imagine bearing the weight of every sin ever committed, & ever to be committed? He beared it all for us, Himself. Because only by doing so could we be able to regain fellowship with Him, & reveal His glory to the world. But you see, it's still about Him. It's about His glory, & honor. About realizing & soaking in the light of His goodness & mercy. It's not about us.
Living in this present age, especially in America, we are led to believe that it is all about us. If you don't want to do something, don't. If you want something, do what you have to in order to get it. If you love someone, be with them. If you "feel" like behaving a certain way, or really just whatever you want to do, do it! We're taught by the media that we're entitled, that we deserve these things.
My friends, we don't deserve anything. We are sinners. We don't even deserve life but He gave it to us. We don't deserve His love; we have denied His so many times, in our lives & in our hearts, & yet He will always be waiting to take us back. We don't deserve any of His goodness, but He freely bestows it on us. He is the one who DESERVES all of the good. He deserves all of the praise. He deserves our lives, for us to serve Him. We deserve hell, but He sent us a way out. Because His purposes are greater. His purposes are for His name to be glorified, no matter what.
If I have to suffer for His name, then so be it. Whatever I must endure, wherever I must go, I'll take it. Because it's not about me. He has already blessed me far beyond anything I could ever imagine. I have an incredible family. I have amazing friends. I have LIFE, & I get to see His reminders of His love all around me in Creation. What could be greater?
The purpose of my life is to contribute to His purposes. And His purposes are for His name to be lifted up; for His name to be famous; for His name to be the one we're worried about. Not our own.
The most glorious thing of all is that He allows us to be a part of it.
He can do whatever He pleases; He's God. Any circumstances that arise, He makes that work in His favor to bring people to know Him, that more would discover His Name. And when we choose to love Him, He allows us to be a part of bringing others to know His love as well.
When I was younger I viewed this subject about God through very human eyes. Realizing that all of everything revolves around Him seems almost selfish of Him, in a way, since in our lives it would be a bad thing. But the good news is, that is not the case with Him. He has shared Himself with us in so many ways, to allow us to experience any good thing that comes our way. He blesses us so fully, just because it allows us to know His goodness & mercy more. Because while we were yet sinners, He died for us. So that we could have a chance to know His name.
His name brings life. His name brings mercy. His name brings peace. His name brings order. His name means that there is someone who has it all under control, whose plans are without error, & whose plans WILL be carried out with or without our personal help. But wouldn't you like to have a part in that? Wouldn't you like to be a part of sharing His name with others & making it great among the nations?
I am only BEGINNING to realize the magnitude of who He is, & how great He really is. But I can't wait to discover even more, & for my passion to share His name to grow & overflow in my life.
As the hymn says, "There's just something about that name..."
Friday, January 14, 2011
Oh, how He loves us.
The thing is, we don't have to.
We are already so incredibly beautiful to the One who fashioned our feminine hearts; who knit us together in the beginning of our lives; who made us just the way we are to reveal aspects of Himself through us.
We don't have to lose weight, or color our hair, or cake on the makeup, or buy new clothes for Him to love us.
Consider this: God could not love you more than He does right in this moment. In the moments to follow, that love isn't going anywhere. And He has loved you like that since He first created You. Since He designed your personality & wrote the story of your life. You have nothing to prove to Him to deserve that love.
So many times women feel so pressured to change things about themselves to attract a man. But you already have the absolute full attention of the God of the Universe. He could not love you more, or desire to have a relationship more than He does. And that will never change.
Isn't it amazing to serve a God whose feelings for you will never change? In relationships many times that isn't the case; feelings come & go once we see who the other person really is. But with God? He knows us already. He knows how we are on our darkest days. He knows our deepest thoughts & desires. And He loves us, for all of that. Nothing will change from that. Nothing you've done, or ever could do will change the love He holds for you. He will always, always love us. He has proven it time & time again, especially in my life, that He will ALWAYS come through when I have faith in Him to do so.
There are no standards that we have to reach to approach the King of Kings. Is that not incredible? A song by Natalie Grant has a line in it that says "How can I be the one your heart aches for?" As a single person, that speaks to my heart. His heart aches to be close to me. He wants me. The good, the bad, He will take it all. Not only will He take it, but He will transform my heart and help me move past the rougher parts to make them look a little more like His own heart.So next time you wonder if someone else will like the way you look or dress or whatever it is, just remember, He does. He always has, & He's not going anywhere. You were worth it to Him to send His son to die, & He will always have a stronger hold than those that try to pull you in directions to look for love in other places.
You already have it all, all the love you could ever need, for eternity. What an awesome God we serve, and oh, how He loves us.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Joy like sunshine.
This past year came with a lot of changes. With several family situations & graduating & leaving friends & family to go to college, I encountered quite a few lonely & sad days. I normally don't consider myself to be a sad person, but I really started hitting some days where I just felt really sad. That is not who God made me to be. God wants me to be happy & experience His joy every day. I can't even explain all the joy that comes from knowing what Jesus has done for me, & how much He loves me, but sometimes we get so caught up in the little problems & temporary stresses that we tend to forget that. But this year, I'm making steps to try & fix that.
I heard a few days ago about a project to write down every day something that made that day awesome. Since I blog (obviously) & keep several other journal type things, I like to be able to look back & relive certain feelings I had. And why should those not be the best parts of my day, every day this year? It sounded like a great idea to me, so that's what I've been doing. And even these past few days being at home not doing all that much have had moments that just made that day awesome, & made me thankful for everything the Lord has given me. This is already, only one week into the new year, starting to affect my outlook. The thing is, things could always be worse. This is something I try & remind myself in basically any situation I face. There is always someone who has it harder than we do, so we need to just take where we're at, give it to Jesus, & trust that He will take care of us, no matter how big it is. So, there are always going to be little moments in every day that the Lord will give us to remind us of His love & the joy that comes from knowing Him.
I don't know about you, but I really like to be happy. And since happiness can change, we can't always control that. But we can control joy. Joy is deeper, & constant. If we focus on the blessings in every situation, God will always show us how good we've really got it with Him. So, I am committed this year to having joy. And realizing that joy, every day. Some days will require seeking it out. Some days it will be as obvious as sunshine. There will be rainy days that require a little more depth in the seeking, but even when we can't see it, the sunshine is always there. So is joy, if we look for it. No matter what the days bring this year, I want to make it a point to purposefully see how good God is. To just soak in His presence, & experience the joy that He shines into my life through just being who He is. I encourage you to do this also, to really focus on the good things. To focus on the blessings of this life, because friends, we are so immensely blessed. So let's make this a year to realize that every day. And let the joy & resulting thankfulness abound.
Splendor and majesty are before Him; strength and joy are in His dwelling place. 1 Chronicles 6:27