Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wasted words.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

I don't know about you, but sometimes I forget to think before I start talking. Women have been said to say 20,000 to 30,000 words a DAY. This isn't hard for me to believe, being as if no one's there to talk to, I talk to myself, let's just be honest here. And don't judge me because chances are, you do it too. Or your mother does. And are you going to judge your mother for it? No. So we're all in this together.

The thing is, I really like to talk. I'm a relationship person - not in the man-woman sense, (as in, that isn't my main focus as a self-proclaimed relationship person - have to make that clear) but I like to build strong relationships with other people. And in doing that, lots of talking is typically done. I like to talk a lot to my best friends, and that helps us to get to know each other better. I like to be understood. And when I don't have anyone to talk to, I come here & write. And sometimes I write a whole lot (like on Thursday's entry). And I got to thinking about why I do that. And it's because I want to be understood. I hate trying to tell someone about something, whether a story or whatever, and only being able to get halfway into it, with no resolution for why I felt a certain way or why I thought something. I like to be able to explain myself, and for those around me to understand me. So in my case, I tend to talk a lot to try and get it all out there. That really isn't all bad, I don't think, because we need to understand each other, and take the time to do that. But when so many words are being said, we need to be careful of what they are.

College is very interesting in many various ways, and one of those is in how different people communicate with one another. It's fascinating to sit in the caf & just watch people talk to each other. There are so many motivations for speaking. Some have motivations of impressing a guy or girl. They say things just to get that person's attention. I can remember when I was younger being at church and just talking to a friend about absolutely nothing when a boy I liked was nearby, just so he would notice me. We do crazy things in situations like that. But those words aren't accomplishing anything.
Other people talk a lot to show how smart they are. If I know a lot about a subject, I'll tend to talk more when that subject comes up in conversation.
There are many motivations such as these that drive people to get their thoughts out, but something that runs common is that these motivations are all about us. They are to get people to notice us, to think we're smart, whatever. And the point of life is not for others to admire us and think we know what we're talking about. It's to glorify God, and spread His story & what HE had to say to others. So how should that impact us daily?

Don't waste your words. In your daily interactions, think about the other person. Rather than wasting words talking about temporary things like sports or television programs, try and talk about what God is doing in their lives. And if they don't already have that relationship, tell them what God is doing in your life. One of the best ways to witness to people is through personal testimony; they can't dispute what God has personally done in your life, whether they believe it or not. Use that, share with them.
Encourage others. One of my favorite things about my day is when someone comes into the bookstore, and takes time to ask me how my day is going. Take notice of those around you, and use a few of the thousands of words you'll speak for that day to try and let them know that they're important too.
Take time to listen too. Rather than just trying to get what you have to say across the sound waves, take the time to ask how people are doing, and really listen rather than thinking about what you're going to say next. Listen, offer encouragement, and just make yourself available to be there for others. A lot of people really need that.
Realize that sometimes you don't need to say anything at all. Something that God has been showing me lately is that I don't always have to have something to say. There are situations where my self percieved wisdom is not needed, and there is no way I can fix it. But I can be there to listen, and simply walk alongside the person that needs it. We need to be able to recognize when words aren't needed, and when to simply keep our mouths closed and let our presence and support be enough - God can say just as much through us simply through those actions as He can when we have a lot to say on a matter.

We have so many opportunities to share the love of Christ that are wasted because we simply aren't paying attention, or we just want to talk about frivolous, uneternal things. Let's change that today. Take time to focus on those around you, and the smallest difference you can make by making yourself available and showing them that you care today.

Don't waste your words, and miss out on conversations that could change another's day, or even life.

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