Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh, how He loves us.

As women, we want to be noticed. We spend hours doing our makeup and picking out clothes for others to hopefully find us beautiful. We endure countless beauty routines to hopefully attain the standard of beauty that the world has set for us; to try and find love.

The thing is, we don't have to.

We are already so incredibly beautiful to the One who fashioned our feminine hearts; who knit us together in the beginning of our lives; who made us just the way we are to reveal aspects of Himself through us.

We don't have to lose weight, or color our hair, or cake on the makeup, or buy new clothes for Him to love us.

Consider this: God could not love you more than He does right in this moment. In the moments to follow, that love isn't going anywhere. And He has loved you like that since He first created You. Since He designed your personality & wrote the story of your life. You have nothing to prove to Him to deserve that love.

So many times women feel so pressured to change things about themselves to attract a man. But you already have the absolute full attention of the God of the Universe. He could not love you more, or desire to have a relationship more than He does. And that will never change.

Isn't it amazing to serve a God whose feelings for you will never change? In relationships many times that isn't the case; feelings come & go once we see who the other person really is. But with God? He knows us already. He knows how we are on our darkest days. He knows our deepest thoughts & desires. And He loves us, for all of that. Nothing will change from that. Nothing you've done, or ever could do will change the love He holds for you. He will always, always love us. He has proven it time & time again, especially in my life, that He will ALWAYS come through when I have faith in Him to do so.

There are no standards that we have to reach to approach the King of Kings. Is that not incredible? A song by Natalie Grant has a line in it that says "How can I be the one your heart aches for?" As a single person, that speaks to my heart. His heart aches to be close to me. He wants me. The good, the bad, He will take it all. Not only will He take it, but He will transform my heart and help me move past the rougher parts to make them look a little more like His own heart.

So next time you wonder if someone else will like the way you look or dress or whatever it is, just remember, He does. He always has, & He's not going anywhere. You were worth it to Him to send His son to die, & He will always have a stronger hold than those that try to pull you in directions to look for love in other places.

You already have it all, all the love you could ever need, for eternity. What an awesome God we serve, and oh, how He loves us.

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