Thursday, July 28, 2011

We do not walk alone.

I love to read. I love it, but I'm a picky reader. I tend to only like certain types of stories, and I have a rather narrow window of what I like, in the fiction genre, anyway. My favorite type of story is one that follows either a person, or a couple, or friends, or a family over a number of years. There is something so precious about that to me, to see how the people change and how certain events effect them, and how they're still together for all those years. That's why I love my family, because they've been the constants over my short number of years. That's why my best friends are those that I have been blessed to have in my life the longest; they know me better than anyone else if only because they have been there through many years. And that's why I love love so much. I love the though of finding that one person to be with me for the rest of my years, no matter what comes. And because I enjoy those relationships in my life, I love to read about them.

At the beginning of the movie Up, it traces the story of a little boy as he meets the girl who will become his wife and it follows them through their life together, in a series of memories. There is something just so absolutely sweet about that to me. Relationships are formed over time, and the little things that happen every day make up the story of a life over the years. And it is amazing to find people to share that with you. I have been personally blessed with the ones the Lord has allowed in my life this far, and I am expectantly awaiting others who will come along and join the story.

As much as I can't wait to have someone of my own to share the story with, my spirit reminds me that I already have someone very special. Someone who has been there with me since the very beginning of my existence, and Someone who has not left, and will never leave me. He has been there for every step, every fall, every accomplishment, every heartache, and every song He has brought to my heart. And even if I never find someone who is physically there with me every day, I will not have lost out on sharing my life with someone. Because He has been there not only beside me, but many times, carrying me through to the next day. And that is so special.

I know that at times I tend to lean towards loneliness, especially when I'm away from home and my family. I know that many do. But it is a wonderful thing to have the blessed assurance that Jesus is mine. He will never leave me, and He will continue to walk with me for all of my days. I am so blessed to have Him in my life, and to experience these adventures with Him as they come. And I hope for you as well that if you don't already have Him leading the way, that you would allow Him in to share your life with you. Because only He can make it all that it is meant to be. It is a special thing to have people to be there for you, but it is a miraculous thing to walk with Jesus and see what He can do through you, and in you.

We do not walk alone, my friends.

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